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The best part about jet lag is that I am right back to my normal Canadian sleeping patterns. Basically I am up at 2:30 AM like I would usually be, and it’s amazing out side. The rain is coming down so strong coupled with stunning lightning and equally amazing thunder. There are literally sheets of rain falling down, and I am wondering if I have ever seen rain like this before. Maybe it’s the fact that I haven’t seen rain in about ten months, but I love storms like this. They make my room and my house seem so safe. The lightning is incredible and the cracks of lighting are shaking my house. I usually don’t like to be reminded that I am a small human being but today, inside my house, I am all right with thinking that I am ultimately helpless. It’s allot easier to take in Canada where I ultimately have a lot of people, systems and safety nets to fall on. In Africa, being reminded that I am just a frail human wasn’t as much fun. Whether it was being really sick in Soma far away from any help and having no options, being followed home by scary people or little things like being away from good friends, Africa had a way of making anything in my head all that much larger. I am so glad that I am home where the big storms come, but I am inside safe and sound.
At 1:02 PM,
Vicki said…
wow. very insightful. I appreciate that. I also appreciated the storm. I was up until about 3am watching it too.
It was amazing. When those sheets of rain started coming down I was shocked! It really was an amazing sight.
At 1:03 PM,
Vicki said…
lol. I just realised how repetitive I was... let's just say the storm left me speechless.
At 1:13 PM,
kastrukoff said…
I'm jealous. Hugely jealous. I love storms. Like... almost anyone who says they love them to... they can't even compare to my love for them.. once again. I'm jealous.
At 2:45 PM,
Stephanie said…
Unfortunately I slept through the storm...I saw the lightning on the way home from a movie with Debi, but I was so tired that I fell asleep as soon as I got to my room. So, needless to say, I missed a good show.
At 12:33 AM,
Ashmonia said…
ah the storm.. i was alas sad that i slept through the storm as well.. but what can i say nyquil really does work! i woke up during it but i was so drugged up by my medicine that after i blew my nose and put my head back down on the pillow i was out like a light! and alas i missed the light show.. next time... next time i will be a wake!
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