Kicked out of a freak fest...
Saskatoon each year has a big street festival Called the Fringe. It’s aptly named because the people who perform, busk and sell stuff are usually the weird people that are the ‘fringe of society’. I love it. I usually busk, and have a great time running in to old friends, making a couple bucks, and of course playing music. It sounds like a perfect combination, and it usually is…. Until this year.
Last night we got our passes and finally started playing at about 9:30. We had made barely any money and it was just about time to shut down. At ten people started watching us ( Steve David and I) so we continued playing and made a couple dollars. Usually the fringe is totally flexible, in other years I had stayed an hour late and it was no trouble at all. But this year an angry forty something guy walked up to us mid song and took Steve’s pass. He grabbed it from Steve with no explanation except that we were to pick it up tomorrow. That was fine, we had fun and we thought that nothing was wrong…until today.
Apparently the display of anarchist and hippies is REALLY organized this year, and we got yelled at and kicked of the street for playing a little too late last night. What happened to ‘stick it to the man’?!? The hippies ARE the man now.
Anyway we were told to leave. Tomorrow we night be able to get our busking license back but I am still confused. A world where the fringe is uptight and rude… it’s just wrong.
Last night we got our passes and finally started playing at about 9:30. We had made barely any money and it was just about time to shut down. At ten people started watching us ( Steve David and I) so we continued playing and made a couple dollars. Usually the fringe is totally flexible, in other years I had stayed an hour late and it was no trouble at all. But this year an angry forty something guy walked up to us mid song and took Steve’s pass. He grabbed it from Steve with no explanation except that we were to pick it up tomorrow. That was fine, we had fun and we thought that nothing was wrong…until today.
Apparently the display of anarchist and hippies is REALLY organized this year, and we got yelled at and kicked of the street for playing a little too late last night. What happened to ‘stick it to the man’?!? The hippies ARE the man now.
Anyway we were told to leave. Tomorrow we night be able to get our busking license back but I am still confused. A world where the fringe is uptight and rude… it’s just wrong.
At 8:24 AM,
kastrukoff said…
I'm so glad you posted again! Did you get my letter?
Anyways, tat totally blows.. makes no sense kind of, that you got kicked out.. they're jealous I bet.. jealous of your red hair and clean clothes, jealous of your drumming abilities, and most of all, jealous of your motivation to stay up late and play.. lol
Oh.. and I did look at your Gambia pics... most of them.. nice... very nice!
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