In my opinion the best part of summer is the thunderstorms. We had a huge one earlier this week, and I can hear one rolling in now. From the green house the lightning is amazing, but nothing compares to the thunder. The strangest thing is how fast they happen. Two minutes ago the sky was fairly clear, but now it’s pouring rain and the sky is lit up.
And of course the storms bring huge winds with them. We have two big apple trees in our back yard, and what you ask do we do with all of the apples that fall off during the storms? Apple golfing of course! If you haven’t tried it you are missing out. Of course it’s more fun when the apples are over ripe in the fall, but the almost ripe ones still explode fairly well. Jacq’y and I took a pail to the field near my house on Sunday and it was the most fun I had in a long time. If you try it the drivers are the best if you want overall splatter and distance. Be careful with the wedges, unless you are ok with being covered in apple chunks.
I know that apple golfing is not the most mature past time in the world, but I am trying to make the most of what feels like my last summer. Next year I will still be on my internship, and will only have about two weeks of freedom before schools starts in the fall. The summer after that I will have graduated and who knows? At work today I had a scary thought; Only a month and a half till the black hole we like to call 'post-secondary education' stars up again. Scary
At 11:53 PM,
Olivia Twist said…
Yeah, it is scary. School is right around the corner. Once again, I'll be in huge amounts of debt for school. Summers are great, and the thunderstorms that come with it. Up here, it's done A LOT of raining. More rain than thunder and lightning. Nice blog.
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