Daddy’s little girl.

I really do love this city. Of course there are really cold and long winters, mosquitoes the size of birds during the summer and we are usually skipped over by touring bands but lets look on the bright side. It’s a beautiful place with amazing outdoor stuff like camping, hiking, canoeing only an hour north, Saskatoon is a really beautiful city, car insurance is way cheaper along with housing costs, no earthquakes, hurricanes, massive flooding, tsunamis or volcanoes, it takes a maximum of 15 minutes to drive anywhere in the city, you can’t go anywhere without running in to some one you know (guess that could be a down side). Sure there are other amazing places to live, but I think I might ultimately be a prairie girl at heart. Driving home from BC this year I stopped my by farm for a bit, and after leaving the breath taking mountains I was so glad to see the good old flat prairie again. Much to my horror I was more caught up in the beauty of my hay field than I was hiking through the mountains at sun set.
I know that my parents will never leave (even if it is a zone 2 for gardening and plants need to be hardy enough for the –40C winters) but I still don’t know if I am that hardcore… we’ll see. One thing is for sure I really need to get command start for my car. I don’t think I want to go through another winter of running out in to –25 with wet hair to start my car in the morning. That just sucks.
(Chad took that photo by the way, I can't take credit for that one...)
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