Monday Bloody Monday
Today after a record six hours of sleep I was up at 7 so that I could squeeze in an hour of sixteenth Century sonnets and a bit of devotions before I was off for school at 9. Believe it or not I was actually on time for my first class today (that has to be come sort of a record, aren’t you proud Terrin? I was in 30 seconds before class started, and my clock is set to the nuclear clock, so I have to be right…). Today was a full day of classes; 9:30 to 4:20, with a break of some Timmy Ho’s action, and hiding myself in the computer lab trying to catch up on reading and notes. That actually didn’t work too well because someone who really likes to talk cornered me… here’s a hint; he talked about foot ball the whole time : ) any guesses?
The minute my class was over I bolted out the door to stop by and picked up Metric tickets before the 25 minute drive the out to Warman. (I hate how much gas costs by the way). At work I had a daylong interview with a new nanny candidate. Lucky she is a hard working farm girl, and was a lot of fun to be around. A down side of the day was that the Reid’s newly finished basement (seriously it was finished last weekend from the damage cause by the big flood this summer) was flooded AGAIN! But I did get to read ‘One fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish’ and Faith let me read my favorite page about Mr. Gump twice : ).
After work ended at about 8:30 I was off to my church to catch the tail end of my youth leaderly duties and to pick up the slack at the meeting place when the youth group invaded the coffee shop. People finally left the Coffee shop at 10:30 (It closes at 10…hint hint) So now I am back home procrastinating as usual and about to read a bunch of Sonnets, try to understand human behavior and study the works of C.S. Lewis.
Providing I don’t fall asleep first.
One Down 157 left to go…
So I was thinking of starting a pool; I think that I can last at least a month before totally burning out… any takers? : )
At 11:40 PM,
Jana said…
Bring it on Jess! My totally insane schedule, including three 19-hour days of pure work so far this week will trump anything you BC people can throw at me! And like the internet I am always right : )
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