Money Makes the World Go Round
I have a love hate relationship with Canadian politics. One thing I love is the amazing work the speech writers do. For a long time I have dreamed of having the job of making a really bad situation look good. These are the people that they call when the S*** hits the fan. Its fascinating to see a publicly discredited finance department look trustworthy. For example; Ralph Goodale addressed reporters after the emergency ministers meeting today and I lost track of how many times he said “responsibility” and “accountability”. After the Gomery report made the Liberals look like scandalous money managers, the finance minister got up in front of the whole country and tried to convince us that by putting a $39 Billion Band-Aid on the problem he can be trusted again. I don’t care how much you say accountability and responsibly in a speech, the government’s strategy of paying people off won’t cut it this time. I can just imagine what went on in that meeting; “Hey guys I have an idea, if we paid off all of our supporters with contracts to buy our way in to office, can’t we just buy off all of the Canadians too?” Let’s face it, money makes the world go round, and $39 Billion is A LOT of money. If the Liberals are re-elected I will forever be in awe of two things: how a last minute scam resuscitated the Liberals grasp on power and the sheer stupidity of the Canadian people. No offence to the general public but the liberal spin-doctors have skills. They can make anything sound good.
There is one problem with the addresses that were made after the Ministers meeting; the speechwriters were too busy making the finance minister look trustworthy that they forgot to brief the PM. For his entire speech (all three questions he answered before he ran away from the mic followed by a burst of laughter from the press) he repeated on phrase: “ We have a lot of important legislation to pass, and you either have confidence in the government or you don’t.” That is actually a good answer to the first question that he answered, but when you rephrase that in reference to “why don’t you accept the compromise of the Conservative party” you look like a fool. Lucky for me there was no one home today when I yelled at the TV “Answer the damn question!!!” If they really wanted to pass that legislation they have plenty of time to do it (according to my hero Rex Murphy). And his feeble attempt to mock the conservatives lost it’s bite when it was rephrased the third time as “the traditions of our legislative assembles are clear when is comes to having confidence in the government. We have traditions in place.” Ouch…? I guess this comes out of Martins last ditched attempt to keep his name slightly intact. He has a clear agenda: “I want to Govern!” He as a perfectly acceptable compromise on the table from the opposition and yet he refuses. Admittedly the phrase ‘a vote of non-confidence’ sounds bad on anyone’s resume.
I have to be really careful here. Martin is our PM and we are to respect our leaders but quite frankly I am deeply disturbed by what I see in the Liberals. It’s sad that throwing money at a problem sways public opinion (even if it does nothing to fix the problem) I have come to terms with the fact that we many never be rid of the Liberal party and we will always have major corruption in government. If the conservatives win we will be faced with problems as well. No one is going to be perfect and because of the governmental system it is impossible for a totally honest person to win an election.
I just might vote for the liberals in the upcoming election. It’s better to know what type of faults a government has then to elect a new one. With the Liberals at least we know what to expect.
At 11:53 PM,
Mrs. Ramsey said…
i agree slightly with you. you may as well pick the evil you know, rather than the unknown one. stephen harper is a little too political, as brett would put it. honestly, i'm not siding with anyone at this point, which is not good, considering we may be voting as early as christmas. but harper won't make a good pm at all. layton might be ok... but i hate the ndp, with all the passion i have in me. i guess my vote will go either to the bloc, or teh marijuana party. tee hee! i'm so glad i have someone to talk politics with!
At 12:09 PM,
Courtney said…
two words: Christmas election!!
Even though a Christmas election is not likely to happen, i would really like to see a change in leadership. Martin is just way too humanistic for me, I want to see someone with a few shreds of moral dignity left (Harper). But that's my opinion - and I know that 5 billion other Canadians have their own too.
And I'm all for the respecting leadership thing, Jana! I try to not talk disrespectfully about our PM, even though it is dang hard sometimes. Kudos to you for taking a stand there.
At 10:03 PM,
Pastor Sheldon said…
I think it might actually be gravity that makes the world go round. Or maybe Jesus.
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