The devil... I mean act you know and love?
So maybe I am just cynical but here are some thoughts on the election… mostly the entertaining highlights…
-Bear and Peanuts.
-The irony that the Liberals promised in 90’s to get rid of the GST (check the commie... I mean red book) And It’s Harper who is campaigning that he will reduce it to 5% within five years.
-Martin trying to trap Harper in a debate by pulling his ‘abortion / you want to take away the rights of mothers’ card. It was a really good question and Harper would have been put in a bad place… but in true Martin fashion he addressed the question to Layton. So instead of dealing a blow back at the guy who was pummeling him he had jack Layton yell at him for the full 30 seconds. ‘This is a total fabrication Mr. Martin. You are making up lies about me and my party’ My French is a little rusty but it was basically ‘where do you get off?!?’ And of course the question did't actualy reach Harper due to the fact that if Martin tried to state the question again in that debate he would go from idiot to Baffoon status… that’s just good TV.
-Speaking of TV, it’s important to vote based on the parties platforms and pollicies but it’s really tempting to vote based on entertainment value. There is a commercial for CPAC ( the Canadian CSPAN) the has Tom Green saying that the election is like a audition and a casting session, after all those are the people that will be on the channel for the years to come. That being said do we really want Steven Harper, who just learnt how to smile last week and is scandal free… or do we want the good old liberals? They have given us so much to talk about in the last decade. Who can forget the red book (did anyone tell them that the communists called their hand book the ‘red book’ too?) the sponsorship scandal and Martin just did just make a new definition for crashing-and-burning during the latest debates… if you want a more in depth 23. point list: (click '1993')
But the conservatives do have their fair share of fun on their corner… Kim Cambell… Brian Mulroney and the air bus… Henry Dayday on a seadoo… I think that the final vote has to go to the Liberals. One word: Trudeau. I don’t think that I really need to say anymore. The liberals have been a constant source of entertainment, that is except for Lester B. Pearson unless you consider that universal health care is a stunt....
-This leaves us with two ultimate questions:
1. Do we want to put the liberals back in power so we can be entertained as the screw over our country even more, or should we go the ‘conservative’ road and turn to the Americans for our political entertainment…
2. Should we vote for the PM that Bono turned his back on? It is Bono after all.
Don’t forget to vote! For me it’s more exciting than my birthday. How sad it that.
At 2:17 PM,
Courtney said…
Jana I think you are far advanced in your years when it comes to politics!!!
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