Irony Strikes… Literally

Our denomination has a camp about an hour north of
Now what does this have to do with irony you ask? Well this year during family camp my dad decided that unlike past years he would actually treat this year like a vacation and enjoy camp. But of course he spent the whole week working the new water system, running new power and water lines lines, fixing this and that. After six days of working eight hour days on his “vacation” he decided to draw the line.
He was talking to the caretaker of camp outside of the lodge at about
I wasn’t there, but I did see him running through the dining hall in his coveralls with greasy hands soon after irony struck. Earlier that day at supper time he told us what he was going to say about not working anymore that week. So when I cracked a joke about seeing him back to work he just looked at me and said “Something started on fire.”
He ended up working till