
Sunday, October 30, 2005

Daddy’s little girl.

During a ‘what are you doing with your life conversation’ my dad made a comment that caught me totally off guard. We were talking about my plans when I finish school, my prospective jobs, and my dad asked ‘can you get a job in that industry here in Saskatoon?’ I realized not only that my dad thinks that I should say here in Saskatoon, but that I might not want to leave…
I really do love this city. Of course there are really cold and long winters, mosquitoes the size of birds during the summer and we are usually skipped over by touring bands but lets look on the bright side. It’s a beautiful place with amazing outdoor stuff like camping, hiking, canoeing only an hour north, Saskatoon is a really beautiful city, car insurance is way cheaper along with housing costs, no earthquakes, hurricanes, massive flooding, tsunamis or volcanoes, it takes a maximum of 15 minutes to drive anywhere in the city, you can’t go anywhere without running in to some one you know (guess that could be a down side). Sure there are other amazing places to live, but I think I might ultimately be a prairie girl at heart. Driving home from BC this year I stopped my by farm for a bit, and after leaving the breath taking mountains I was so glad to see the good old flat prairie again. Much to my horror I was more caught up in the beauty of my hay field than I was hiking through the mountains at sun set.
I know that my parents will never leave (even if it is a zone 2 for gardening and plants need to be hardy enough for the –40C winters) but I still don’t know if I am that hardcore… we’ll see. One thing is for sure I really need to get command start for my car. I don’t think I want to go through another winter of running out in to –25 with wet hair to start my car in the morning. That just sucks.
(Chad took that photo by the way, I can't take credit for that one...)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


I’m still having trouble hearing with my left ear…

Metric played last night at Louis, and I have to say I was a bit disappointed. They are incredibly tight, had good stage presence and sounded just like their Cd… but that was the problem. Aside from a few interesting dance moves by Emily Haines including the “HO down” (I have to give Nicole credit for that one) it was like popping in the CD. Maybe I would have been more receptive if I wasn’t told it would be the best show I will ever see. Also their opening band were REALLY high energy.

First off was the Lovely Feathers. SO CRAZY! They had a sound like Franz Ferdinand but that’s not the only reason why I loved them. They were all over the place, had very unique dance moves, danced around with tambourines bashing symbols here and there, and on top of it all had a really interesting way of dancing. They were so high energy and really talented. But there is a moral to this story; when wearing pants with a rip, please please wear undergarments… please…

The second band was The Most Serene Republic. That drummer was GOOD. He was really solid, but at the same time was so colorful and all over the set playing crazy stuff. The bass player was really hot too… but when are they not? : ) The Lyrics were a little bit sketchy but that was a norm for the night. They had a really fresh sound.

I was actually really impressed with the opening bands, but when it came around to Metric’s time to play it was really energetic but not as much fun as the tambourine/cowbell antics of the first two bands. They had me laughing out loud, where metric had me feeling like I was living in a rut of society with not hope of escape. Hmmm… but it was still really nice to see them live.

Anyway it was worth the $18, and Bedouin Sound Clash is less than a month away.

Oh and some sad news, my Anorexic newt that I talked about last post died. I know that Chad is laughing right now; but I had her for at least a year and a half, that beats all of your newts and fish put together!! : )

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Three and a Half Hours and Counting

So it’s just after three AM… four hours till my alarm goes off and I have to be coherent enough to play bass, and I cannot for the life of me fall asleep. It’s been a while since I have had a visit from the Insomnia fairy, and I have that stupid insomnia song by the Bare Naked Ladies is playing through my head. I have been lying in bed for three and a half hours, wide awake, and it’s been a while since I have posted about anything other than how busy I am, so here’s something new: Random thoughts of an insomniac.

I’ve had a really stressful week of school where every spare moment was spent working on my studies so of course the question ‘Why am I in school’ came to mind a few times, usually during a moment of high stress. This of course leads to the debate about what I am doing with my life. Am I in the right program? I really want to find a career doing what I love… so what do I love? What I am the happiest doing? I guess the answer to that is drumming. I absolutely love playing music, and am the happiest when I am on stage… now how do I make a career out of that? Do I have a chance of actually making it in the music industry? Hmmmm…. Maybe I should have followed some other dreams. I wanted to be an architect or a civil engineer for a while, how about being a chef, maybe a photographer, or a poet; I think that I am strange enough to pull that off.

Why do they call it a rubix cube? If it’s named after the inventor that’s one awesome name.

One of my newts is sick, so of course I spent some time thinking about that. She is either afraid of her food and won’t eat it, or she has some major self esteem issues and has chosen to be anorexic. I hope that Annabelle doesn’t die, I like her a lot.

I miss watching Sesame Street. Not this new ‘Stupid Park’ show that they have now. I heard that they killed off Bert by the way, is there any truth to that?

I spent some time running over the new bass line I am learning. It’s the song hysteria by muse, and It’s a lot faster than I can play right now… but a lot of fun, I love that band.

I started listening to a Klezmer Rapper today. He’s an orthodox Jew who can beat box really well. His name is Matisyahu and totally worth checking out.

I have to make a decision about investments, and after thinking about it for a while I decided that shuffling my portfolio should not be done at 2 am, not a wise choice.

Has anyone else noticed that Santana’s music is ALL THE SAME? He plays the same lick in all of his songs… or maybe I am just crazy.

I should go and take some pictures of my farm, it’s really pretty this time of year. But I can’t take Lindy; she gets burs all over her. She turned 9 two weeks ago… It’s sad to think that my puppy will die within the next four or five years. I will have moved out by that time, so it’s won’t be as hard, but she’s my puppy… that’s too depressing to think about.

I miss Amanda. She’s living in Denver and working with YWAM. She’s an awesome girl, and I am so glad she is following God’s call for her life, but it would be nice to have her back home…. stupid ywam…jj I wish I was a ywamer : )

It’s time for a hair cut… should I go really short, or just kindof short… or should I take the plunge and go for dread locks finally…

How much happier would I be if I could afford to buy all of the things I want? I don’t think It would make too much of a difference. I want to find a really good job next summer because I have my internship next year, maybe I could work up at my dad’s mine or at a fishing camp. Or should I go to Gambia again as a leader on the team… decisions decisions.

I usually go for a run when I can’t sleep but it’s -5 outside right now, and I really don’t want to freeze to death. I know I am a sissy, but I worked outside for an hour today and couldn’t feel my fingers anymore. So due to lack of options I am off to ‘sleep’ again. I have successfully written a really long post and wasted a half hour. If any of you made it to the bottom I congratulate you, I hate reading long posts… sorry guys!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Constructive Use of Study Time….

That’s what I get for studying to Yo-Yo Ma…: )

Monday, October 17, 2005

Mental Break Down Anyone?

Six Midterms in three days, a paper and a book due that same week and the school sends me out on a promotional trip for the whole weekend before the week from hell.

That should be illegal.

Not saying that I didn’t enjoy doing a weekend of propaganda for CPC but I don’t think that I can actually handle this.

It just dawned on me that I don’t actually have time for sleep this week.

If you can relate to this at all, please tell me your secret for staying in school, because at this moment I am seriously trying to remember why I am.

At least I got to take a picture with a moose in Cypress Hills.... : )

Sunday, October 02, 2005


I love October; it’s a month of freedom and beauty.

Two weeks ago, I had to tell a friend that I was busy till October. That sucked.

For the whole month of September and most of August for that matter ‘free time’ was an alien concept. I had to book people in two weeks in advance, or have a freak of nature opening in my schedule for a social life. Now I only have school, Shaw and working with my church. Today I watched a half hour of TV! It was beautiful, and by the way I am totally hooked on Lost now.

All of you crazy people out there who take on too much will totally understand the pure joy of having time to waste. That just sounds wrong, but it’s so much fun!

So to all of the people who think that I died, or stopped calling because I hate you; I am alive! So here is the apology from a workaholic to all of my neglected friends. I still love you all : )

And I can’t figure out a way to make a U2 pun in this post… Here’s the lyrics to October, have fun:


And the trees are stripped bare
Of all they wear
What do I care
And kingdoms rise
And kingdoms fall
But you go on